Modal Verbs of Obligation HAVE TO, MUST & SHOULD are modal verbs which we use for obligation and recommendations Use SHOULD to make a recommendation (ie when you think it is a good idea for someone to do something) Example You should do some grammar exercises to improve your English 2 You should drink 6 glasses of water a day Use HAVE TO for laws orWelcome to the must subsection of modal verbs where you can find 81 Must worksheets to help your students learn the proper uses of this word Here are two examples of worksheets from this section that you might want to use in class The first worksheet has students practice forming positive and negative sentences with must by looking at some2 You DON'T HAVE TO pay to use the library It's free 3 I'm not sure where my wife is at the moment She MIGHT be at her dance class 4 Jerry CAN'T be working today
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I must be home by ten I have a very difficult day tomorrow (It is my own decision) I have to get up early, because I start work at 8 (It is a rule) I should get up early (Now I stay in bed until lunchtime) • Don't have to means that there isn't any obligation at all, there is no need to do it Don't have to is different from shouldn't Uses of should, must and have to Should In the present tense, 'should' can be used in order to signify a milder form of obligation and/or advice The negative version is made by placing a 'not' after the word 'should not', indicating aPAGE 94 • MODAL VERBS 43 Must/have to, mustn't/don't have to 1 We use must when the speaker thinks it is necessary or important to do an action You must go (= It is important that you go) We make negatives, questions and short answers like this You mustn't go Must you go?
Grammar videos Have to, must and should for obligation and advice – exercises Watch the video on our website and read the conversation between Sophie and Yu Quan Then do these exercises to check your understanding of must, have to and should 4 We don't must make any noise;A shouldn't have drank b should've drink c should've drunk d shouldn't have drunk 2 I went to work yesterday, even though I felt ill Today I feel even worse I a shouldn't have stayed at home b shouldn't have gone to work c should have stayed at home d should have gone to work 3 My kids are so spoilt I should have with themCan't shouldn't 9 I'm on my way I _____ be there in about 10 minutes
2 pages/ Short grammar review writing exercises with should, mustgiving advice matching pictures and homework 28,313 Downloads 3 pages MODALS AND ASSOCIATED VERBS By lesleymisano 3 pages of A COMPREHENSIVE LIST OF MODAL and SEMIMODAL VERBS, THEIR USE AND EXAMPLES OF HOW THEY ARE USED A COLOUR GUIDE HELPS TO FLearn English > English lessons and exercises > English test # Should/ have to/ must > Other English exercises on the same topic Modals Change theme > Similar tests Modal may/might Placement test 1 Modal can (video) Modal verb must / have to Modal can/could Must / Have to Modal verbs Modal verbsShould have Se usa "should have" para dar su opinión o pedir su opinión en el presente en relación a algo que sucedió en el pasado "I had a terrible stomachache" "You should have gone to the doctor's" "I didn't hear from my father last week" "You should have called him" "She isn't happy with the salary she's getting"

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~ Yes, I must 2 We use have to to talk about an action that is necessary because of rules or laws,Should can 6 I know he speaks five languages, but _____ he speak Arabic?Must or should Must exercises 01 Must should mustn't shouldn't rules 02 must exercises English exercises 03 must word order examples 04 must exercises exercisesmust 05 must modal verbsexamples Should exercises 06 should modal verbs exercise 07 should modal auxiliaries word order 08 should modal auxiliaries word order 09 should modal auxiliaries word order 10 mustn´t or shouldn´t exercise

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English Exercises Modals Should Shouldn T Mustn T
Fill in the blanks using MUST, MUSTN'T, DON'T HAVE TO, SHOULD, SHOULDN'T, MIGHT, CAN, CAN'T !ID Language English School subject English as a Second Language (ESL) Grade/level PreIntermediate and above Age 15 Main content Grammar Other contents Modal verbs of obligation and prohibition Add to my workbooks (119) Download file pdf Embed in my website or blog Add to Google ClassroomWe use have to / must / should infinitive to talk about obligation, things that are necessary to do, or to give advice about things that are a good idea to do Mus t and have to are both used for obligation and are often quite similar They are both followed by the infinitive I must go now / I have to go now

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Should Can 5 You have such a beautiful voice You _____ sing for us!Don't have to = Mustn't Mustn't=it is prohibited, you cannot do itModal Verbs of Obligation Exercise A Check through the different uses TYPE USE MODAL VERB EXAMPLES NOTES 1 obligation have to María has to go to Rome must You must see a doctor Must expresses more urgency than have to She had to see a doctor Must is only used in the present simple 2 no obligation don't have to He doesn't have to go "It´s your choice" 3 prohibition

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• Give advice or suggestion —should Example You should wear a helmet while riding your motorbike • Express necessity or compulsion —must, have to Examples We must slow down while driving in front of a school I have to submit my project by tomorrow • Express prohibition Example You must not talk loudly in the libraryMust not do not have to Must / have to / should Modal verbs must and mustn't Necessity must / have got to Obligation, necessity and permission 1 Obligation, necessity and permission 2 Obligation, necessity and permission 3 Mustn't or needn't exercises Modals of obligationNeed, Needn't and Should Exercise I need to buy a new one a necessity You needn't come not necessary You should come it's advisable A Fill the gaps with need, needn't or should 1 Remember you to take a torch and a tinopener when you go camping

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Answers Could have should have would have 1 I could have bought bread but I didn't know we needed it (past possibility) 2 We shouldn't have invited so many people to our party!Modal Verb Exercises I Fill in the blanks in each sentence using a modal verb,such as can, could, would, should, might, may, must, or have to, based on the situational hints shown in italics Select the modal that seems most appropriate for the situation described,and beI' ve got to go to the supermarket must Must is a modal verb and it has a present form, which can be used to talk about the present or the future The negative form is must not or mustn't and the question is must I

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Should or Must A modal is an auxiliary (helping) verb that expresses ability, possibility, permission or necessity English modals include must, shall, will, should, can, could, would, may and might In this lesson, we shall be discussing SHOULD and MUST SHOULD and MUST express necessityMust / Mustn't / Needn't / Have to 1213 Modals With Passive Voice 1 / 2 14 Mustn't vs Needn't vs Can't Similar Exercises MODALS V3 Practice Test Ought to (Should) Have / Must Have Needn't Have / Didn't Have To Should Have Done Drag and Drop Exercises Modals Drag and Drop 1 / 2 / 3 Other Drag & Drop Grammar Exercises Multiple Choice Exercises Modal Verbs Tests PDFMust or should exercises Must or should rules and examples Must mustn't Must infinitive = it is necessary to do something For past tenses use had to positive must I must stop the car They must stop the car negative mustn't

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Objective At the end of this topic you will Use the modal verbs, should and ought to to express advice and suggestion in formal way, and have to and must to express obligation, compromise or need in affirmative, negative or interrogative forms, through different customary contexts to exchange personal informationThe film we are going to seeEjercicios Should / Must / Have to 1 Elige "Must" / "Should" / "Have to" (en el tiempo correspondiente) para completar estas oraciones {ejerciciocompletar} You come with us to the cinema;

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MUST and MUSTN'T (necessity) Must Mustn't (Must not) Use must when you mean 'have to' do something – and it is very important to do it Examples (1) "I must study for the test" (2) "You must wear a seatbelt" Use mustn't when you mean that it is important NOT to do something Examples (1) "You mustn't forget about the8 must 9 mustn't 10 must Exercise 5 1 must 2 mustn't 3 mustn't 4 must 5 must 6 mustn't Exercise 6 You should go to the doctor Sara should study in an academy Peter should be polite with people They should hire someone with experience to prepare the weddingMust* changes to 'had to'should have pp / shouldn't have pp a past action which didn't happen the advice / regret is too late You should have gone to bed earlier, now you have missed the train a past action which didn't happen the advice / regret is too late You shouldn't have taken that job, it was a bad idea


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Should have, campagna Page 2 of 3 2 The should (not) have construction does two things – 1 points to the action taken;While questions with "must" are grammatically correct, it is more usual nowadays to use "have to" for questions There is no past form of must for obligation We had to show our passports at the border We weren't allowed to use calculators in the exam Or, we couldn't use calculators inShould can 7 That looks very expensive It _____ have cost a fortune!

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Topic Basic Modals Exercise 1 For each sentence, choose the modal (should, can, must) that is most appropriate NB In American English, "must" often sounds oldfashioned and/or bossy it's more natural in most cases to say "have to" as in "You have to be at the airport at 9" not "You must be at the airport at 9" 114 should 15 shouldn't Grades as percentages 15 / 15 = 100% 14 / 15 = 93 13 / 15 = 87 12 / 15 = 80 11 / 15 = 73 10 / 15 = 67 9 / 15 = 60 8 / 15 = 53 7 / 15 = 47 6 / 15 = 40 5 / 15 = 33 4 / 15 = 27 3 / 15 = 2 / 15 = 13 1 / 15 = 7 0 / 18 = 0 % Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use1 Rose and Ted MUST be good players They have won hundreds of cups !

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